105 Gibson Accessibility Policy

105 Gibson Centre Accessibility Standards for Customer Service for Providing Programs, Ministries, Goods and Services to People with Disabilities

1. Our commitment

105 Gibson Centre is committed to strive at all times to provide its programs, ministries, goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our programs, ministries, goods and services and allowing them to be integrated with other customers and benefit from the same service, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers. 105 Gibson Centre is obligated to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act 2005 (AODA) and Ontario Regulation 429/07 and develop our operational policies, standards, and procedures under the guidelines and principles of Dignity, Independence, Integration and Equality of Opportunity, in compliance with

2. Providing programs, ministries, goods and service to people with disabilities

105 Gibson Centre is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including people with disabilities, and we will carry out our functions and responsibilities in the following areas:


2.1 Communication

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability, and/or seek alternative means of communication that is most suitable for them. We will train staff and volunteers who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.


2.2 Assistive devices

We are committed to serving people with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our programs, ministries, goods and services. We will ensure that our staff and volunteers are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our programs, ministries, goods or services.


2.3 Use of service animals

We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal to our premises that are open to the public and other third parties, unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law from that premises. We will also ensure that our staff and volunteers are trained in how to interact with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.


2.4 Support persons

We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to enter our premises with the support person, and at no time will be prevented from having access to the support person while on our premises. Fee will not be charged to the support person only if the person is necessary to protect the health and safety to the person with disabilities, or the health and safety of others in the same premises. If any fee is charged, the notice will be provided in advance.

3. Notice of temporary disruption

105 Gibson Centre will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services that may be available. The notice will be placed at the public entrances and service counters on our premises.

4. Training for staff and volunteers

105 Gibson Centre will provide training to staff and volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on their behalf, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service standard, policies, practices and procedures. Individuals in the following positions will be trained: all employees and volunteers who provide direct services or interactions with the customers. The list of positions will be reviewed and updated periodically or as needed. This training will be provided to the staff in a variety of formats and on an ongoing basis and as soon as practical after their hiring. The training will include the following:


4.1. The overview and purpose of the AODA and the requirements of the customer service standard


4.2. How to interact and communicate to persons with various types of disabilities, and in a manner that takes into account of their disability


4.3. How to provide goods and services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities, and gives them an equal opportunity and integration as other customers


4.4. How to interact with persons with disabilities who use assistive devices, or require the assistance of a service animal, or a support person to access goods or services


4.5. How to use equipment, devices or means available on premises or provided by 105 Gibson Centre that may help with the provision of goods and services to a person with a disability


4.6. How to respond if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing 105 Gibson Centre’s programs, ministries, goods or services


4.7. How to provide feedback to 105 Gibson Centre about the provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities, and about the policies, practices and procedures relating to the customer service standard, and how 105 Gibson Centre responds to the feedback or complaints


4.8. Staff and volunteers will be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to these policies, practices and procedures of the customer service standard.

5. Feedback process

Feedback or complaints regarding the way 105 Gibson Centre provides goods and services to people with disabilities can be directed to the Operations Manager of 105 Gibson Centre via telephone, mail, fax, email or in person. We will respond within 10 working days upon receipt of the feedback or


Operations Manager
105 Gibson Centre
105 Gibson Drive
Markham, ON, L3R 3K7
Tel: 905.946.8787
Email: info@105gibson.com

6. Modifications to standards or other policies

We are committed to developing policy that respects and promotes the dignity and independence of people with disabilities, and no changes will be made before considering the impact on people with disabilities. And any policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.

7. Accessibility of documents

This document and other policies and procedures related to the provision of goods and services for people with disabilities can be obtained by contacting the Operations Manager of 105 Gibson Centre via telephone, mail, email or in person. These documents will be made available on request and in a format that takes into consideration of the person’s disability.

8. This document’s last review date: January 24, 2021